A Day @ the Races

Well we couldn’t just have a plain old cake and drinks for a birthday now could we? Given Abdul’s need for speed I what better present than driving a car at 100+ miles per hour? None I say! So I signed him up to drive Indy Cars at the Mario Andretti race school.


the kiddos packed up

On July 11, we packed up five kids, a cooler and we were off! It was only about 1000 degrees in the Texas sun out at Texas Motor Speedway. After driving around the facility aimlessly trying to find the racing school we located it. From the moment we walked in, people were staring at us. I’m not sure if it was because we were the only black people ther or because we had five kids doing something clearly expensive for Saturday recreation 🙂

While Abdul went to get instruction, the kiddos and I entertained ourselves inspecting the place.the kids @ Texas Motor Speedway Some random kid came over and enjoyed some of the multiplicity of snacks I’d packed. (You’d pack a cooler too if faced with the prospect of feeding five kids concession “goodies”).


Ab emerges dressed in a racing jumper not quite suited for his 6’5″ stature lol.
Abdul Dressed for Speed
Abdul Dressed for Speed

That looks pretty official huh? He achieved speeds of 160+ on the track and loved every minute of it. efinitely a good choice.. I will save up these good girlfriend points for a rainy day 🙂